The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) Recruitment process is held each year to identify qualified candidates for the posts of Primary Teacher (PRT), Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) and Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) and for various other Teaching and Non Teaching Posts. The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan recruitment for this year (2021 – 22) is being held to onboard teachers on a part time or contractual basis.
The salary structure (monthly salary) of a KVS PGT (Post Graduate Teacher) revised as per the 7th pay commission is as follows (Group B – level 8):
*The following figures have been calculated for a category X city
Pay scale – INR 9,300 to INR 34,800
Grade Pay – INR 4,800
Basic salary (after 7th pay commission) – INR 47,600
Total Gross Salary (inclusive of House Rent Allowance, Dearness Allowance, and Transport/Travelling Allowance) – INR 53,550
Total Approximate Net Salary – Ranges from INR 48,000 to INR 50,000
Total Gross (inclusive of House Rent Allowance, Dearness Allowance, and Transport/Travelling Allowance) – for class Y city/ region –
Breakdown of Allowances:
Apart from the basic pay a KVS PGT Teacher enjoys ample allowances such as Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Transport/Travelling Allowance (TA) etc.
Transport/travelling allowance (TA) and House Rent Allowance (HRA) are location dependent. They vary based on the class of city/region a teacher is deployed or currently working in.
DA or Dearness Allowance:

This is the largest allowance component of an KVS PG Teacher’s salary and it is directly linked with the consumer price index (CPI). This basically means that the DA component of the salary is variable and it increases proportionally with the CPI every year. The DA is roughly equal to 17% of the basic pay. The Dearness Allowance (DA) is INR 8,092 for employees working all Class X, Class Y and Class Z cities/regions.
Dearness allowance (DA) is calculated based on All India Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Industrial Workers Base Year 2001=100. The Consumer Price Index is usually released by the Labour Bureau for every month.
7th CPC DA Percentage = (12 Monthly Average) – 261.42) / 261.42 x 100
Note: The CPI measures the fluctuations or average changes in price that a consumer has to pay for a basket of goods and services (food, transportation, medical care etc) over time.
House Rent Allowance or HRA

This component of the compensation changes with the location of employment. It can either be 24% or 16% or 8% of the basic pay based on the class of the city (class X or Y or Z – based on the city of employment/region). This is the second largest component of an LIC AAO’s salary.
- Class X – The 8 metro cities constitute class X (formerly class A-1 -Chennai, Ahmedabad, Pune, Bengaluru, Greater Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, and Kolkata – cities with a population of 50 lakh people or more). The House rent allowance for a class X city/region is INR 4,350 per month
- Class Y (around 100 towns with a population of over 5 lakh people and less than 50 lakh people). The House rent allowance for a class X city/region is INR 5,664 per month
Cities such as Indore, Surat, Pune,Jaipur, Kanpur, Nagpur, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Vadodara, Lucknow, Vizag or Vishakhapatnam, Patna,Gwalior, Aurangabad, Gandhinagar, etc belong to this category - Class Z (rural areas or cities with a population of less than 5 lakh people). The House rent allowance for a class X city/region is INR 2,832 per month
Note: The House Rent Allowance shall be revised to 27%, 18% & 9% of the Basic Pay in X, Y & Z cities when Dearness Allowance (DA) crosses 25% and further to 30%, 20% and 10% of Basic Pay in X, Y & Z cities when the Dearness Allowance (DA) crosses 50%.
Transport Allowance or TA:

For employees with a Grade Pay of INR 5,400 and above:
The transport allowance is provided to cater to the daily travelling expenses of the teachers. The teachers posted in the Class X (formerly Class A1/A) cities will receive INR 3600 as Transport Allowance (TA) whereas the Employees posted at all other places (class Y region/city) will receive INR 1800 as Transport Allowance (TA).
For employees with a Grade Pay between INR 4,200 and INR 4,800 and other employees/teachers drawing a Grade Pay below INR 4,200 but in the pay band equivalent to INR 7,440 and above:
The teachers posted in the Class X (formerly Class A1/A) cities will receive INR 1600 + DA as Transport Allowance (TA) whereas the Employees posted at all other places (class Y region/city) will receive INR 800 + DA as Transport Allowance (TA).
For employees with a Grade Pay below INR 4,200 and pay in the pay band below INR 7,440:
The teachers posted in the Class X (formerly Class A1/A) cities will receive INR 600 + DA as Transport Allowance (TA) whereas the Employees posted at all other places (class Y region/city) will receive INR 300 + DA as Transport Allowance (TA).
Note: Retired teachers or employees will receive a pension equivalent to more than 24% of the salary they were receiving at the time of retirement. Kendriya Vidyalaya Teachers are also entitled to an annual increment equivalent to 3% of their basic pay or basic salary. Teachers also enjoy significant EPF contributions as per the rules and policies defined by the KVS.
Other Associated Perks:
- Kendriya Vidyalaya teachers enjoy enviable job security.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya teachers’ respective futures are financially secure thanks to the ample lifetime pension post their service. They are also entitled to other retirement benefits.
- Kendriya Vidyalaya teachers get a lot more holidays and paid leaves as compared to employees working in any other sector including banking sector, insurance sector, etc.
- They also enjoy timely promotions and increments. The pay package and associated benefits increase significantly with every promotion.
For example:
The pay scale of Vice Principal (Group A – level 10) is INR 56,100 to INR 1,77,500 (per month)
The pay scale of Principal (Group A – level 12) is INR 78,800 to INR 2,09,200 (per month)
The % of DA is 7 and % of HRA is 24 for both the job roles or Principal and Vice Principal.
- Female Kendriya Vidyalaya Teachers/Employees will enjoy exclusive benefits such as maternity leave with salary for upto six months. Relocation or transfer as per their preference/request within a period of one year.
- Excellent work life balance – The working hours for Kendriya Vidyalaya teachers is just between 5 and 7 hours which will give them more than adequate time to pursue other interests/hobbies and spend time with family and friends.
- Lesser work pressure as compared to corporates or other industries/sectors.
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