CBSE Education Trendy

What is Swachhata Pakhwada ? What are the Day wise Activities and Action Plan 2022

What is Swachhata Pakhwada What are the Day wise Activities and Action Plan 2022
Written by Chetan Darji

Are you searching for – What is Swachhata Pakhwada ?

Then you are at Right Place.

The Complete and Official Information of What is Swachhata Pakhwada ? What are the Day wise Activities and Action Plan 2022 ?

What is Swachhata Pakhwada ?

The Ministry of Education, Govt. of India is observing Swachhata Pakhwada in all the schools of the country from 01st to 15th September 2022. The focus will be on awareness regarding Covid-19, the safety protocols and Covid appropriate behaviour.

Following may be noted in this regard:

  1. Swachhata Shapath may be organized in all schools.
  2. Holding meetings (in small groups) of SMCs/ PTAs or between parents and teachers in the first week of the Pakhwada to highlight the importance of cleanliness & sanitation and importance of hand washing. Use of mask and social distancing among students and teachers; to encourage and inspire them to continue with the good practices for hygiene and sanitation in school as well as home.
  3. Teachers to inspect water and sanitary facilities in school and do a quick assessment of water, sanitation and hygiene facilities and make proposal/ plan for repair and upkeep of facilities, if required.
  4. Painting/ essay/ quiz/ slogan writing/ model making competitions etc. may be organized in school for Covid-safe, clean and well-maintained school premises.
  5. Swachhata awareness messages may be posted on the website of school and photographs on Swachhata may be displayed in the school.
  6. All teachers and school heads may complete the online training module provided on DIKSHA portal on WASH related precautions for school, if the same has not been done so far.
  7. All kinds of waste material should be completely removed from the school premises and disposed off as per procedure.
  8. Single use plastic may be banned in school premises.
  9. Teachers and students, in association with local representatives, should propagate the theme of the Pakhwada among family members, neighbors in nearby areas.

Swachhata Pakhwada Day wise Activities and Action Plan 2022

Suggested Action Plan for Swachhata Pakhwada (1 September to 15 September 2022)

Date / DayActivity / Action Plan
01 September 2022 (Thursday)Swachhata Sapath Day
02 September 2022 (Friday)Swachhata Awareness Day
03 to 04 September 2022 (Saturday & Sunday)Community Outreach Day
05 September 2022 (Monday)Green School Drive Days
06 to 07 September 2022 (Tuesday & Wednesday)Swachhata Participation Day
08 to 09 September 2022 (Thursday & Friday)Hand Wash Day
10 to 11 September 2022 (Saturday & Sunday)Personal Hygiene Day
12 September 2022 (Monday)Swachhata School Exhibition Day
13 to 14 September 2022 (Tuesday & Wednesday)Swachhata Action Plan Days
15 September 2022 (Thursday)Prize Distribution Days

I Hope you like the Article of the What is Swachhata Pakhwada ? What are the Day wise Activities and Action Plan 2022. IF you like then share to others.

Happy Reading Stay Connected

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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