Cyber Awarness Trendy

What are the Cyber Awareness and Security Tips in 2021?

What are the Cyber Awareness and Security Tips 2021
Written by Chetan Darji

Digitalization has led to an equivalent increase in the Cyber Crimes of late. With a major chunk of the population wanting to stay online all of the time without worrying a single minute about their personal data security, it is imperative for everyone to start realizing the importance of the same.


Increasing Cyber Crimes such as computer hacking, network and security administration unauthorized access, data thefts, information leakages, etc. have contributed a lot making the Cyber Space a really dangerous place to be in.

However, with the right Cyber Security tips and tricks, one can definitely expect to make the Cyber Space a more secured, safer and robust place.

Let us look at the following Cyber Security tips and tricks that we as individuals need to take care of to support the secured environment of the Cyber Space, and help keep the growing concern of Cyber Crimes at bay.

Do not settle for simpler passwords

Do not settle for simpler passwords

Ok, having shorter passwords that can easily give away your identity is highly recommended. And with the growing concerns around online transactions and banking, you have to be sure that you have really stronger, lengthy, multi character passwords to ensure more safety of your accounts.

Using HTTPS website

Using HTTPS website

Using HTTPS means using a secured (the S stands for secured here) web network to protect your information from being accessed by the wrongdoers online. These days you have got to be extremely careful of the networks and websites you are visiting. Some might contain severe malware or virus that can infect your device.

Two step Authentication

Two step Authentication

Whenever online, and particularly this is so important with the online transactions that you will be making, to have a two step verification of your details, like having the OTP(One Time Password) being generated on your mobile device and then asked for your password once again, to make it extra secured.

Stay away from dubious emails and attachments

Stay away from dubious emails and attachments

Well, in case you think you have won a million dollar lottery by doing nothing, step back and think. This might be a serious virus that might infect your machine or hack your personal accounts and dupe you forever. So be careful while clicking on any suspicious mail or attachments, or else you might to end up giving those million dollars yourself.

Do not leave your devices unattended

Do not leave your devices unattended

Well, you need to be extra cautious particularly while being away from your personal devices which these days contain more of your personal information.

And if at all you need to leave them unattended, make sure you have the verification passcodes or screen locks set on them, so that nobody else can access them in your absence.

And also, make sure these passwords of patterns are not as easy that anybody can guess them and open the device. Read back point number one for this.

Beware of fraudulent activities online

Beware of fraudulent activities online

Social media, or be it any other public forums, be extra careful with what information you give away, or even be careful with who wants to gain access to your personal information befriending you on the various social networks. If you find anything suspicious about them, kindly make sure you do not ADD them to your close networks.

I Hope you like the Article of the What are the Cyber Security Tips in 2021? Do Share and Comments..

Happy Reading ……

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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