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Speech on World Heritage Day in English 18 April 2023

Speech on World Heritage Day in English 18 April 2023
Written by Chetan Darji

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Speech on World Heritage Day in English 18 April 2023

Respected Principal Sir, Teachers, and My Dear Friends Good Morning to All OR

Welcome to Our Honourable Chairperson, respected Chief guests, all the teachers and my dear friends. Today I am here to present a speech on World Heritage Day.

World Heritage Day is observed and celebrated all over the World every year on April 18. Before I clarify the significance of World Heritage Day, I would like to explain what exactly is the world heritage site. A World heritage site has been named a structure or territory, which is of worldwide significance and is unique spot which requires extra-ordinary consideration and security. As indicated by UNESCO, these sites delegate world heritage and with extraordinary significance for humankind with cultural relevance.

        On this day, therefore, wants to spread awareness about the challenges faced by the authorities in preserving the world heritage sites. So, on this day there are many organized events that help people to go back to the ancient post. Events such as heritage walk are organized. Discussion and debate among specialist panelists is also facilitated for the cultural and ideological exchange of ideas.

    In Many was, we can contribute towards the maintenance of World Heritage Sites, so that beauty does not diminish and they remain the centre of attracting for people all over the world.

At least we do not throw garbage near the heritage sites, In this way we can help reduce the pollution level to some extent. Animals that have been poaching in the national park should be strictly prohibited because these animals paly a major role in maintaining the ecological balance of our planet earth.

Thus, in many ways we can help maintain our cultural heritage and raise awareness among people on the global stage.

Thank you everybody present here. It was a delight talking before you.

On My Side Thanks to All Beloved Readers.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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