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National Science Week – Ideas for School Events and Activities 2024

Science Week - Ideas for School Events and Activities 2024
Written by Chetan Darji

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National Science Week – Ideas for School Events and Activities 2024

There are a number of ways you can get your students, class, year level, school and community involved in National Science Week. Your participation can be as simple as a display in the school library, or as complex as a whole-school science fair.

A National Science Week event should:

  • be fun for the participants
  • be focused on quality science outcomes
  • be supportive of your science curriculum
  • encourage the participants to want to try more science
  • raise the general profile of science within the community

Teachers have asked for some inspiration from other schools that have conducted successful events for National Science Week in the past.

So we’ve compiled a sample of real-life successful school events – just a few of the many hundreds of activities (that we know about!) that have taken place in Australian schools for National Science Week. They fall into the following ‘types’ and have all been a raging success!

  • Science Fairs/Expos – always a favourite!
  • Science Challenges – get them thinking!
  • Try a theme!
  • Older students showing younger students
  • For preschools
  • For special schools
  • All sorts of ideas!

Science Fairs/Expos – always a favourite!

  1. Day-long community science fair
  2. Science Fair – Evening
  3. Science Fair – Kinder to 10

Science Challenges – get them thinking!

  1. Bridge building competition (Years 4–7)
  2. National Science Week Community Challenge
  3. Science and Engineering Challenge

Try a theme!

  1. Healthy Garden beds in the permaculture garden
  2. Fantastic Flight Festival.

Older students showing younger students

  1. Science Spectacular
  2. Science Roadshow to local primary schools

For preschools

Science Explorers workshop

The preschool playroom became a science workshop with equipment and instructions on each table
allowing the children and their parents to investigate and partake in different science experiments.
Some the children could do themselves, others needed the parent and child to work together.

For special schools

Our students, the very young to the 18 year olds, found activities of interest – foil pie dishes flying
around (Van de Graaff generator), intriguing stick insects and rats, robots, popping and fizzing of the
hydrogen and the giant bubbles. The Expo not only sparked immediate enthusiasm, but also
provided our staff with a rich stimulus for engaging students in follow-up activities, which will far
outlast the event itself.

All sorts of ideas!

  1. Outdoor Science Laboratory
  2. Science sculpture exhibition
  3. Science Week lunch
  4. Sundial Construction
  5. Marine Debris Survey
  6. Science Boxes
  7. Hands-on science stall
  8. Vegetable Garden
  9. Community Science Museum
  10. Science Video
  11. A bit of everything

Thanks to Beloved Readers.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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