
Latest School Safety Pledge for the Session 2024-25

School Safety pledge - Stud Mentor
Written by Chetan Darji

Are you searching for – Latest School Safety Pledge for the Session 2024-25

Then you are at Right Place.

The Complete and Official Information of Latest School Safety Pledge for the Session 2024-25

Latest School Safety Pledge for the Session 2024-25

Ministry of HRD School pledge proposal for implementation in ALL Schools

Pledge should be displayed on the Notice Board, at Main Gate, in the vicinity of Dormitories of Boys & Girls and School Building. Also its significant should be made aware during morning assembly to the Staff & Students.

School Safety Pledge

We, the teachers, parents and students of (Name of the School) pledge to ensure that our School is a SAFE, SECURE and HAPPY place for all.

We Pledge to support the Head of the School who shall –

  1. Leave the school building at the end
    of the school day only after ensuring that no child is left behind inside or
    outside the school premises.
  2. Ensure that students, teachers and
    staff stay back in school for various activities only with his her permission.
  3. Meet and interact with all students
    and teachers regularly and at least once a week.
  4. Ensure that teachers are sensitive to
    the needs and concerns of students, especially those in the primary classes.
  5. Create a healthy, non threatening
    environment and curb bullying.
  6. Carry out evacuation drills
  7. Maintain a Suggestion Box and Check
    the comments shared by students.

Important Telephone Number:

Child line:

State Counseling Helpline:



Block Education Officer:

District Collector:

Name of Head of School: 

Click Here to Download the Word File

Thanks to Beloved Readers.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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