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School Morning Assembly Anchoring Script – Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

School Morning Assembly Anchoring Script - Dr APJ Abdul Kalam 2022
Written by Chetan Darji

Are you searching for – School Morning Assembly Anchoring Script – Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

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The Complete and Official Information of School Morning Assembly Anchoring Script Theme Based – Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

School Morning Assembly Anchoring Script – Theme – Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

A Resolution is the strongest emotion in the world. People who have achieved success in their lives are pretty determined. They never let the failure to take over their feeling. Therefore, make sure that you are determined about your goal.

“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to success is strong enough.” – Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. And it’s true failure never shake our self-esteem if we’re determined enough to achieve our goals.

With these motivational lines.. I Chetan with my classmates welcome you all in today’s morning assembly.

Starting our day with remembering God says that we put him first and He is a priority in our life. And spending time with God is always valuable, precious and important. So, Let’s start our day with God’s prayer.

Now everybody join your hands and close your eyes. Start Prayer.

After Prayer Start Pledge

After Pledge

We are presenting today’s assembly in the memory of our 11th president Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam the person who dedicated his entire life to the country and it’s people when we talk about such a great patriot who work hard to make India a developed nation and serve till his last breath. He was not only scientist, writer or president but also a man o inspirational thoughts.

For today’s thought, I would like to invite on stage Yamini From Class 9th.

Thought of the Day

“All of Us do not have equal talent. But all o us have an equal opportunity to develop our talents.”

Dr. Kalam is an inspirational figure to many young minds and one of the sharpest minds of the 20th century. Popularity called the Missile Man of India or People’s President of India, he was often seen encouraging young researchers and aspirants.

Let’s we remember him and his accomplishments in the form of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Quiz. Let us check how well do we know him. And for Today’s G.K. Quiz I would like to invite Rahul from Class 9th.

1.Where was Dr. A.P.J Abdul Born ?

  • A. Rameshwaram
  • B. Chennai
  • C. Puducherry
  • D. Tuticorin

2. When was Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam Born ?

  • A. 6 February 1935
  • B. 8 April 1934
  • C. 11 August 1932
  • D. 15 October 1931

3. APJ Abdul Kalam is known as..

  • A. People’s Prime Minister
  • B. Missile Man of India
  • C. Father of ISRO
  • D. People’s President

4. What is the Full name of Dr. Kalam ?

  • A. Ahmed Panthawawala Jain
  • B. Ali Ponnuswamy Jampiru
  • C. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen
  • D. Akbar Panneer Jalant

Nothing’s Impossible if we’re courageous enough.. Dr. Kalam never stopped working and dreaming just because of failure instead he worked harder. And made us believe that hard work forever pays.

Why did APJ Abdul Kalam Inspire us ? or what Can we learn from Dr. Kalam

Let us know more about such a tremendous personality. And Next, I invite on stage Ronak From Class 9th to deliver a speech.

After National Anthem

Kalam once said ‘Creativity in Children leads to a culture of excellence.’ Creativity, innovation and imagination of the children can completely change the future of the country in the right direction.

Dear Friends, Let’s we all Together work for the betterment of the society and technology for the glorification of India. with this today’s assembly is over.

Thanks to Beloved Readers.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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