Anchoring Script Education

School Assembly Script for National Mathematics Day – 22 December 2023

School Assembly Script for National Mathematics Day - 22 December 2023
Written by Chetan Darji

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School Assembly Anchoring Script for National Mathematics Day – 22 December 2023

Without Mathematics, There’s nothing you can do. Everything around us is mathematics. Everything around us is numbers. It is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit.

A very hearty morning to each and everyone present here !

This is Twisha Roy. On 22nd December, National Mathematics Day is celebrated across the nation to honour the Birth Anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan. This day is to recognize his extraordinary contribution to the maths.

Dear friends, hard work and a little bit of luck, Really can lead us to fulfill our dreams. Ramanujan’s hard work and passion helped him become one of the most recognized Mathematicians Today.

Let us celebrate National Mathematics Day Today, Let’s start today’s morning assembly with God’s prayer as it is one way we can communicate with God. So everybody join your hands and close your eyes.

Start Prayer. After Prayer

We live in India and It is our motherland. It reminds us of our responsibilities towards our country and motherland. Let us take vow with Vedant from Class 6th.

Thank you So much Vedant.

Dear Friends, the main objective behind celebration of this Day is to raise awareness among people about the importance of Mathematics for the development of Humanity. Marking the importance of National Mathematics Day, I would like to invite Shivansh from Class 8th for ‘Thought of the Day’.

Good Morning everyone My Name is Shivansh.

Thought of the Day is The Essence of Math is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple. – Stan Gudder, American Mathematician.

Thank and you and Have Nice Day.

Thank you Shivansh for the Nice Thought of the Day.

Building our Vocabulary is one easy way to improve our communication skills. Its time to expand our vocabulary and for ‘Word of the Day’ I would like to call Chetan from Class 8th.

Good Morning everyone My Name is Chetan.

World of the Day is Constant – A Quantity that does not vary, steadfast in purpose or devotion or affection.

Synonyms of Constant are – Faithful, Resolute, Staunch, Antonyms of this word – are – Irregular, Exceptional, Variable.

Use in Sentence – Their whole life was a constant battle against poverty.

Thank you and Have a Nice Day.

Thank you Chetan for Very effective Word of the Day.

Since Ancient time various scholars had made significant contributions to mathematics including Aryabhata, Brahmagupta, Mahavira, Bhaskara II, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Etc. At a very young age, Srinivasa Ramanujan’s contributions set an example in Mathematics. Let us know the history and significane of ‘National Mathematics Day’. I would like to invite Trusha from class 8th to deliver a Speech.

After speech Thank you Very Much Trusha for wonderful Speech.

India has been a pioneer in all the fields because of the exceptionally talented individuals who made the country proud. Few mathematicians challenged the understanding of the world and left behind a legacy of breakthrough discovery and research.

Let us enhance for knowledge and I would like to invite Kiran from class 9th to tell us the names of some of the Famous Indian Mathematicians with their contribution to the world of Mathematics.

Thank you so much Kiran.

General Knowledge opens Different avenues for One’s seeking. It developes student’s social, reasoning, and analytial thinking skills. and it’s time to enhance and test our knowledge. For G.K Quiz, I would like to invite Sreya from Class 8th.

General Knowledge Quiz on National Mathematics Day – 2023

  1. Who invented 0(zero) in India ? – Brahmagupta
  2. Who is father of Mathematics? – Archimedes
  3. Mathematical Device that has beads? – Abacus
  4. How many zeros are there in one crore? – Seven
  5. Which is the only even Prime Number ? – 2

Thank you so much Sreya for Enhancing the Knowledge.

Mathematics plays a vital role in all aspects of life. It helps to develop the ability to think and helps explain how things work.

It is the pillar of organized life for the present Day. It has great importance and benefit in our daily lives. Let us know more about the Importance of Mathematics in our daily lives. Next, I would like to invite Pooja from class 9th to deliver speech.

Speech on National Mathematics Day - 22 December 2023

Thank you so much Pooja.

We proud to be born in India. Being the citizen of India we should respect our nation and develop a sense of Unity among ourselves. It’s time to pay respect to our nation by singing National Anthem. Let us get ready for Nationa Anthem.

After National Anthem.

Thank you to all of you for Morning Assembly.

Have a Nice Day.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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