Anchoring Script Education

School Assembly Anchoring Script for Kargil Vijay Diwas 26 July 2023

School Assembly Anchoring Script for Kargil Vijay Diwas 26 July 2023
Written by Chetan Darji

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School Assembly Anchoring Script for Kargil Vijay Diwas 26 July 2023

The freedom and liberty we enjoyed just because of the brave men and women of the military who dedicate their lives to protect the nation, they sacrifice their lives just so we can live freely in a prosperous society.

We cannot imagine that what our soldiers do for us takes a great amount of courage and sacrifices. A very gorgeous morning to each and everyone presents here. This is Twisha from Class 9th presenting today’s morning assembly.

My dear friends, can we do something for our military ? Can We..? Yes, we can honor and be thankful for their unselfish deeds. On the very special occasion of Kargil Vijay diwas, Let us all do our bit by praying for our soldiers safety, They deserve much more respect than what is being offered to them. We pray from our heart for all the heroic sons of Mother India on Kargil Vijay Diwas. Let us start our morning assembly. Join your hands and close your eyes. Start Prayer

After Prayer

We born on the land which we called Motherland. It gives an identity to show that e belong to this particular nation. The pledge of allegiance is instill a sense of patriotism and love for our nation amongst us. Let us take a vow with Vedant from Class 9th to serve our nation.

On July 26, 23 years ago the Indian Army recaptured all the Indian posts in Kargil that had been occupied by Pakistan’s Army. It took more than 60 days that India regained control over the post and ejected the Pakistani Army out of the territory.

The day marks the victory of Indian soldiers and became the symbol of India’s proud, valour and steadfast leadership. Let us remind our victory and commemorate our soldiers who laid their lives for our better future.

And Let us move to the next part of our assembly. Now, I would like to invite Rohan for today’s thought that will fill the spirit of patriotism in us.

Good Morning all of you my name is Rohan. I presenting the thought of the Day.

Thought of the Day – “Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.” – Indian Army

Thank You to All.

After Thought

News enables us to stay updated about the happenings in and around their world. In the morning sometimes we do not get time to read newspaper or to watch news. Here, I would like to call Sonu from Class 8th for Today’s News

After News

My dear friends, Let us pay tribute to the jawans on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of the country’s victory over Pakistan in the Kargil War. And we lost nearly 490 Indian Army officers, soldiers and jawans during the course of battle. Let us pay tribute to soldiers who sacrificed their life in Kargil War, I would like to call Kiran from Class 11th to deliver a speech in honor the heroes of Kargil War.

After Speech

Let us boost our morale, strengthened our emotions and rekindled pride in who we are, and what we represent, as a great nation. I would urge you all to listen to the song and feel proud of our motherland.

I would like to call Pooja for a Patriotic song.

After song

Despite differences in culture, traditions, religion and languages, India is united under one flag. The national anthem underlines the importance of India as a diverse nation. It is significant in unifying us and reminding us that there we stand and remain one under the Indian union. Let us pay respect to our nation by singing National Anthem. Take position for National Anthem and Start.

After National Anthem

Victory doesn’t come cheap, we also had to carry some biers. A tribute to the martyrs of India. – Amitesh Sodhiya

Thank you to All of you.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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