Anchoring Script Education

School Assembly Anchoring Script for International Yoga Day – 21 June 2023

School Assembly Anchoring Script for International Yoga Day - 21 June 2023
Written by Chetan Darji

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School Assembly Anchoring Script for International Yoga Day – 21 June 2023

Lord Krishna defined Yoga is a balanced state of the body and mind, Yoga is balanced state of emotions, Yoga is a balanced state of thought and intellect and Yoga is a balanced state of behavior. It is to maintain equilibrium of the mind in any situation.

Good Morning to Each and Everyone present here ! This is Twisha Roy from class 9th standing before you to present today’s morning assembly on the very special occasion of “International Yoga Day 2023′. Yoga is not only associates with a system of physical postures and meditation but its original form it has a deep spiritual significance. It is the way of life and it can do anything ! wish you all peaceful and healthy life on International Yoga Day.

Let us start today’s morning assembly by remembering God.. O God, the source of all health, give us strength, make our body strong our heart glad and conform us with a sense of your presence and It’s time to pray to God. Get ready for prayer. Join your hands and close your eyes. Start Prayer,

India is a land of different cultures, heritages, many languages and religions. Despite the differences our India is united in its diversity. These things makes us feel proud that we are born in such a beautiful land. We all should be loyal towards our nation. And the pledge of Allegiance promises loyalty to the country which is an important part of our morning assembly. So, take position for pledge and get ready for it.

Once in his speech, Shri PM Narendra Modi Ji said that “Yoga has always been associated with peace and harmony. I think people for adopting yoga and urge people to embrace it”. Dear friends during the COVID pandemic Yoga build a strong physical, mental and spiritual health system. It can be a powerful tool to deal with the lockdown’s uncertainly and isolation, as well as to maintain physical well – being. So, let us all change our lifestyle and adopt yoga practices. And next we have

Thought of the Day. For this, I would like to call Vedant from Class 8th.

“Yoga is a light, which once lit, will never dim. The better you practice, the brighter the flame”.

News play an important role in day to day life. It promotes many interesting facts about the state, country and the world. It informs us about events that are around us. But in the hustle bustle of life we do not get time for news.

So, I would like to call Rohan from class 7th for todays news headlines.

Dear Friends, Acc. to the Ministry of Ayush The Theme of IYD 2023 is Yoga Mohotsav an Event to Commemorate. It’s very necessary for all of us to know. What is Yoga ? Does it means physical poses only? What does it do for us?

To get the answers of these questions, I would like to call Roshan from 8th to deliver a speech.

Now we are at the end of today’s morning assembly. The National Anthem of our country has been an auspicious symbol of Indian Culture since time. It brings us means all the citizens of the country together. Let us all give respect to the nation.

And sing National Anthem.

Yoga is the best medicine to heal our internal, external and emotional pain. Let us all add energy, strength and beauty to our body, mind and soul by adding yoga is our life.

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  5. Best Speech on International Yoga Day in Hindi – 21 June 2023

Thanks to all beloved Readers.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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