Anchoring Script Education

School Assembly Anchoring Script for Guru Purnima 3 July 2023

Written by Chetan Darji

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School Assembly Anchoring Script for Guru Purnima 3 July 2023

“Let No man in the world live in delusion. Without Guru, None can cross over the other shore” – Guru Nanak

Good Morning to each and everyone present here ! This is Twisha from Class 11th presenting Today’s assembly on the occasion of ‘Guru Purnima’.

On the auspicious of Guru Purnima, We bow down to our Guru’s for imparting the immense wealth of knowledge & wisdom. Your blessings enriched our life. Thank you and wishing you all a very Happy Guru Purnima !

Today is Guru Purnima, A day traditionally dedicated to both academic and spiritual teachers. This festival is traditionally celebrated to mark the significance of spiritual teachers in our lives and their role in removing darkness, Ignorance for a better evolvement at the soul level. Dear friends, It is believed that on this day blessings of spiritual guru evade darkness and ignorance from a discipline’s life. Let us pray together, join your hands and close your eyes. Start Prayer

After Prayer

We people have some responsibilities towards our country and motherland. An oath is a way to make us aware of our duties towards our nation. So I request Vishva from class 9 to lead us with the Pledge.

Thank you Vishva

After Pledge

The festival of Guru Purnima is considered to be sacred and holy as per Hinduism. It is dedicated to the Gurus or the preachers who guide someone spiritually and morally. Without Guru, attainment of knowledge is not possible.

Let us celebrate Guru Purnima – A Day of new Possibilities. Let us move to the next part of morning assembly and that is Thought of the Day and for this, I would like to call Rohan from Class 8th.

Thought of the Day – Guru and God Both appear before me. To who should I prostrate ? I bow before the Guru who introduced God to Me Kabir

Thank you Rohan.

News provide information about people and places. It make us feel connected to what is happening around us and around the world. Let us get Today’s News Update. For this, I would like to call Sonu from Class 8th.

Thank you Sonu.

After News.

It is a religious belief that Ved Vyas Ji was born on the full moon of Ashadh Month. That is why this day is also called Vyas Purnima. What is the religious belief of ‘Guru Purnima’, I would like to call Vedant from Class 7th to deliver a speech.

Thank you Vedant for Wonderful Speech.

After speech

It is not possible to build up a vocabulary if we never meet ant new words. Our understanding of what we read and hear is, To a very large degree determined by our vocabulary. Let us add a new word to our vocabulary.

To share a New word with us, I would like to call Ved from Class 9th.

Word of the Day – Enlightenment

Meaning – The process of gaining knowledge and understanding something.

Synonym of Enlightenment – Knowledge , Awareness

Antonym of Enlightenment – Ignorance, Confusion

Use of Enlightenment in Sentence -Mr.Chetan gave me an enlightenment on what happened yesterday ?

Thank you so much all of you.

We all should have feeling of patriotism. We all must know the importance of sacrifices made to attain freedom. National Anthem inculcate a sense of patriotism among us. Let us pay respect to our nation by singing National Anthem

After National Anthem.

“Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah, guru Sakshat Para Brahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha”

May our Guru’s blessings always shower on us again I wish you all a very Happy Guru Purnima !

Today’s Special Morning Assembly is over. Thank You to All of You ! Have a Nice Day !

Thanks to All Beloved Readers.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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