Anchoring Script Education

School Anchoring Script on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti – 02 October 2023

School Anchoring Script on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti - 02 October 2023
Written by Chetan Darji

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School Assembly Anchoring Script on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti – 02 October 2023

Mahatma Gandhiji Said…,

“A Man with a grain of faith in God never loses hope, because he ever believes in the ultimate trimph of truth”.

He strongly believed in God. To him god was life, Truth, Love, Ethics, Light Morality, Fearlessness. And abouve all these. Before we start, I Vedant Darji from Class 9th Wishing you all a very pleasant Morning.

Today is 2nd October and in India, Every Year this day is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti to commemorate Mahatma Gandhi. Let’s we all pay tribute to the Messiah of Non – Violence and Pray to unseen power (GOD).

That he may cleanse our hearts of pettiness, meanness and deceit. So as usual, Let us start our day with the blessings of almighty. Join your hands and close your eyes.

Start Prayer

After Prayer

Start Pledge. After the Pledge.

Gandhiji known as the father of the nation and for students like us as “Bapu”. He lives in the heart of millions of people even today. His famous and inspirational thoughts inspire not only Indians but the whole world.

To Listen Gandhiji’s Thoughts, I would like to call Trusha from Class 7th.

Good Morning Everyone ! My Name is Trusha. Gandhiji said that, “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.”

Inner strength is the strength of the soul. It is the core strength of a person which is responsible for handing our mind and influence our own decisions. Through inner strength a survivor can attain a sense of support and nurtorance to develop a new normal. It gives a person the ability to fight what he/she has to fight. For example, in many patients of severe diseases, The patient could only resist from his disease because of his will power along with proper treatment. Gandhiji’s means to say that inner strength makes the physical power strong, dynamic and unbeatable.

People remember Mahatma Gandhi for his great and incredible work even today. He is an inspirational figure for millions of people. To say few lines about GandhiJi, I would like to call Nyasa from Class 8th.

Thank you Nyasa.

It’s always fun to check How much we really know about the country and the world around us. Put your knowledge to the test with Quiz related to Gandhi Ji.

  1. Who gave ‘GandhiJi’ the Name Mahatma ? Ans – Rabindranath Tagore
  2. When was Mahatma Gandhi Born ? Ans – On 2nd October 1869
  3. What was Mother Tongue of GandhiJi ? Ans – Gujarati
  4. What was GandhiJi’s Wife Name ? – Ans = Kasturba Gandhi
  5. From Where GandhiJi completed his studies in Law ? Ans – London

I would request to Sunil from Class 9th to light upon the life of Mahatma Gandhi.

After Speech

Thank you Sunil to reflect on the greatness of GandhiJi.

After National Anthem..

GandhiJi was a positive role model in society. His life and teachings are great source of inspiration for the today’s youth.

Today’s Assembly is Over.

Thank You, have a Great Day.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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