Education Trendy

How to Register / Participate in National Science Day – 2022

How to Register Participate in National Science Day - 2022
Written by Chetan Darji

How to Participate in National Science Day – 2022

National Science Day will be celebrated by Physical Research Laboratory on Saturday, 26th February 2022Due to the unprecedented COVID-19 situation and in view of the safety of students, this year all the activities of will be conducted in ONLINE mode.

On this occasion, Aruna Lal Scholarships will be awarded to meritorious students selected based on an ONLINE screening test, followed by personal interview via ONLINE mode. There will also be other competitive events for selected students from this ONLINE screening test.

Application and Eligibility:

Principals of higher secondary schools of Gujarat are requested to nominate students of 11th standard (Science stream). Please register the school using the School Registration menu and subsequently nominate your student(s). The schools having multiple mediums (English/ Gujarati/ Hindi) can register each medium separately. Each medium can nominate a maximum of six students.

Registration Click Here

Screening Test:

A ONLINE screening test will be conducted on Tuesday, 18th January 2022. The school must comply the terms and conditions of the ONLINE exam for their students.

Selection Procedure:

Top 150 students in the merit list of the screening test will be selected for the subsequent round of competitive events to be held via ONLINE mode, on Saturday, 26th February 2022.

nsd2022-Road Map 2022

“…the most effective development of education can take place only when the teacher, the student, his parents, and the outside environment can interact with one another, in a series of feedback loops, free from regimentation and irrelevant theories and principles preached from the top.” – Dr. Vikram Sarabhai

School Registration Link of National Science Day – 2022

National Science Day Form 2022

Official Link

Download Model Question Paper

Information for Online Screening Exam

  1. The screening exam will be held on Tuesday, 18th January 2022. The time of exam will be informed to the registered students in due course. The exam will be of one hour duration.
  2. The school principal must provide valid email address and mobile no. of the student while registering their student details. This email address will be used as login ID for the Online exam. Password for the online exam will be intimated on this email address only. (Please check your SPAM / JUNK folder if the email does not show up in your INBOX)
  3. The question paper will contain multiple-choice questions mostly covering the 11th standard Science syllabus. The aim of the screening test is to check the scientific aptitude of a students and hence the test will be common for ‘A’ group (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics), ‘B’ group (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) and ‘AB’ group (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology) students. For further information please follow the Model Question Paper.
  4. A right answer will be given “+3” marks, a wrong answer will be given “-1” mark, and no marks will be given to an un-attempted question.
  5. If needed, few selected students of the online exam may be invited for a second short online examination, details of which shall be communicated to them in due course. A final shortlist of students shall be prepared based on this second examination for the scholarship interviews. The interviews will be conducted in ONLINE mode.

Terms and Conditions for the online screening exam

  1. Schools will have to depute an invigilator who will connect with their students during the online exam for invigilation via online platforms like GMeet/Zoom/Webex etc. as they connect for regular classes. Schools must provide self-declaration in a prescribed format of honest and fair conduct of the examination, which will be available on the PRL NSD website, after the completion of the online exam on their login page.
  2. The students should not open any other link/tab on the browser apart from the exam link during the online exam. They should not refresh the browser window.
  3. Please read all the instructions carefully and comply with them meticulously.
  4. The students are not allowed to use calculators during exam.
  5. The students should not close the browser during the exam, until exam is complete.
  6. The students should not click the ‘BACK’ button of browser during exam.
  7. The students should keep an eye on the TIMER CLOCK on the online exam page of the browser to keep a track of the time left.
  8. Once the student has answered all the questions, he/she must submit his/her exam by clicking on “Submit Answers” button.
  9. Once submitted, a message shall be displayed “Your Exam has been submitted successfully” then the student can logout from online portal.
  10. The device which will be used by students for the online exam must have Hindi and Gujarati Unicode fonts to view the questions/answers in the respective language.
  11. The school/students will be responsible for any issue due to unavailability of time, internet and electricity disconnection, hacking of username/password, lack of proper knowledge of computer/internet, misuse of your username/password by someone. For any reason if a student cannot complete his/her exam then he/she will not be allowed to re-appear
  12. The school must choose the option of the preferred language (i.e. Gujarati or Hindi or English) of question paper. The English version is valid in case of any discrepancy.
  13. In reference to technological issue, no communication or argument will be entertained.
  14. PRL may add technological features for web-browser, analyse time and patterns of answers, and may provide contact information for anonymous reporting of misconduct.
  15. In case PRL finds any irregularities in the conduct of the online exam by school during the result analysis then PRL holds the right to withheld result or disqualify students of the concerned school. In such a case, the school may be given chance of explanation of irregularities found. However, if the explanation is not found satisfactory, then the concerned school will be debarred from participating in future PRL events.

I Hope you like the article of the How to Register / Participate in National Science Day – 2022, If you like then share to Others,

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Happy Reading, Stay Connected

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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