What is CBSE Teachers’ Conference on Inclusive Education

Central Board of Secondary Education is going to organize CBSE Teachers’ Conference at Jammu on 14th -15th October, 2022. The effort is made to provide a platform to the teachers to express their ideas on various aspects of education and interact with each other on a larger platform after the pandemic that kept us confined to our limited spaces for almost two years. The conference aims at making sure that there is a congregation of the best brains who have made notable contribution in the field of education. The details of the proposed conference are as under:
(14th to 15th October, 2022, Jammu) – CBSE Teachers Conference Official Date
Theme of the CBSE Teachers’ Conference 2022
Sub themes :
- Inclusive Classrooms
- Removing physical and attitudinal barriers
- Parental involvements in Inclusive Education
- Differentiated Instructions
- Universal Design for Learning
- Response to Intervention
- Use of Assistive Technology
- Use of Psychological assessment in classrooms
- Reasonable accommodations in classrooms and examinations
- Capacity Building of teachers for inclusion
Objectives of CBSE Teachers’ Conference
- To sensitize and enhance awareness about Inclusive Education among all the stake holders and the general public.
- To provide educators a platform to share innovative and best practices related to inclusion used in their schools
- To discuss various assessment tools and innovative ways of use of technology to equip teachers to create an inclusive school.
Who can Participate in CBSE Teachers’ Conference 2022
Any working Teacher/Principal/Counsellor/Special Educator of the school affiliated to CBSE can participate as a delegate / paper presenter.
Participation Fees and Online Registration for CBSE Teachers’ Conference 2022
A Fee of Rs.2000/- (Rs. Two thousand only) per participant shall be accepted only in the form of Demand Draft favoring Secretary CBSE, payable at Mohali.
The details of the Demand Draft must be given during the online registration for participation in the conference.
How to Participate for CBSE Teachers’ Conference on Inclusive Education 2022
Please register online for participation through the link:
Important Dates and Other Details
The registration shall open on 15 June, 2022 and the last date for online registration shall be 25th July, 2022. A print out of the automated reply received after online registration and DD should reach COE, at the following address on or before 05 August, 2022.
Registration Open For CBSE Teachers’ Conference (2022)
15th June 2022 to
20th July 202225 July 2022 (Extended)

- If willing to submit a paper for presentation, the soft copy of the abstract and full length paper (prepared as per guidelines given below) with PPT should be emailed at: [email protected] on or before 05 August, 2022.
- The delegates whose papers are selected for oral or poster presentation shall be informed in the last week of September, 2022 via email.
- The link for online registration will be closed once the required number is attained so please do not wait for the last date.
- Lunch and refreshment shall be served at the Venue during the conference. However, no stay or Travel arrangements shall be made for the participants by the Board.
Paper Submission Guidelines
- A paper presenter has to submit manuscripts, reporting original unpublished research and innovative practices in the topics related to the theme of the conference. It is required that the manuscript follows the standard format given in the Annexure – A.
- Submissions must include title, abstract, keywords, author and affiliation number, school number with email address and contact details.
- Only full manuscripts with abstracts will be accepted. Manuscripts with less than 3 pages and not in the format will not be considered for presentation.
- Literature reviews/survey papers will only be considered if they present a new perspective or clearly benefit the field. To be selected, such papers must go beyond review of the literature to define the field in a new way or highlight exciting new technologies or areas of research. Preference will be given to action research conducted in the area and innovative practices.
- Only some selected papers shall be given chance for oral presentation. The decision shall be made by a group of experts appointed by the Competent Authority of the Board. The decision of the expert group shall be final and will be binding on every participant.
- The time duration for presentation shall be 15 minutes with 5 minutes for queries. Rest of the selected presentations shall be in poster category. All accepted papers MUST be presented at the conference by one of the authors.
- The organizers regard plagiarism as a serious professional misconduct. All submissions will be screened for plagiarism and if identified, the paper submitted will be rejected.
- All the Heads of the institutions affiliated to the Board may participate in the Conference and also encourage their teachers to participate in the same.
CBSE Circular and Notification Regarding CBSE Teachers Conference 2022
Helpline Any queries Contact for CBSE Conference 2022
For any queries you may contact Ms Anjali Chhabra, Deputy Secretary/Head, Centre of Excellence, Chandigarh at Phone-01722969018, or email at [email protected]