
How to Give Test on North South Foundation CCT Mobile App 2021

How to Give Test on North South Foundation CCT Mobile App 2021
Written by Chetan Darji

NSF has informed that they will continue their efforts  in supporting JNV students for providing CCT practice online. 

It is  better to encourage all students to avail this opportunity, especially during pandemic.

So far the students are using the Web version for taking the CCT test on Desktop/laptop.  Now the facility of  user friendly  Mobile application is available for easy access which runs parallel to the desktop/laptop version. 

The students can securely download the application from NSF Server after logging in into their accounts.  A Help document on Installation  and Instructions are available.  The students can also reach us  on [email protected].

Step – 1

Click below link to Give Test

Step – 2 – Login with student ID & Password

Login with Student ID

Login with Student ID

Step – 3 – Click on Begin Test

Step – 4 – Read Guidelines

Step -3

Step – 5 – See Instructions


Step – 6 – Test Interface

Test Interface

Step – 7 – Questions


Step -8 – Navigation of Subjects

step -8

Step -9 – Review and submit

Step -9

Step -10 – Subject wise Total Questions

Step -10

Step -11 – Result

Step -11

Step -12 – Test Summary

Step -12

Step -13 – All Test result Summary

Step -13

I Hope you like the Article of the How to Give Test on North South Foundation CCT Mobile App 2021 and you understand well. If you like then share to Others.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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