Cyber Awarness Trendy

How to File online FIR against Cyber Crime – Be Alert

How to File online FIR against Cyber Crime - Be Alert 2022
Written by Chetan Darji

In this Article we give some valuable information for the Cyber Awareness – How to File online FIR against Cyber Crime – Be Alert.

Filling a cyber Complaint is not that easy, I would like to recommend you to discuss your case with a cyber expert or lawyers. you will find the experts easily on Google some of them charge you for their service but there are some websites from which you can get an idea about your case in free of cost.

What is Cyber Crime ?

Cybercrime is a criminal activity which is carried on by the use of computers and the internet.

Some of the common cybercrimes are Hacking, Cyber Stalking, Denial of Service attack(DoS), Virus dissemination, Software piracy, Credit card fraud, Phishing.

To tackle the issues of cybercrimes, CIDs(Criminal investigation departments) of various cities opened up Cybercrime Cells in different cities.

Cyber Crime Helpline Number Gujarat, India

Dial – 1930

Cyber Crime Official Helpline Numbr 1930 Gujarat India

How to File online FIR against Cyber Crime – Be Alert, Be Safe

So, how to register the Cyber cell complaint—

Step 1- 

For Cyber Crime Complaint First of all write an application in the name head of the cyber crime cell.

Step 2- 

Provide the following things with the application-

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone no.

Step 3- 

For the required documents, there are two cases.

  1. a) In case of vulgar emails, abusive email etc the following details are required cyber crime complaint-
  • The header of email which is offending you.
  • The email address of the offending sender.
  1. b) In the case of Hacking, the following details are required for cybercrime complaint-
  • Logs of the server.
  • A hard copy and soft copy of the defected page.
  • If the data of the defected site is compromised then you will need a soft copy of original data as well as compromised data.
  • Control mechanism details of access in which you have to tell who has accessed the computer.
  • If you have any doubt or your feeling suspicious about anyone then you have to provide the list of these suspicions.

Step 4- 

You can file the complaint from any cyber cell of any of the cities and also send direct email on below-given email of Cyber Cell Police Station.

I Hope you like the Article of the How to File online FIR against Cyber Crime – Be Alert. If you like then share to others.

Happy Reading Stay Connected.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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