In this Article we give Complete and authenticate information regarding How to Apply Online Join in Agniveer Scheme Indian Navi 2022.
Selection Procedure : Agniveer (SSR) and Agniveer (MR)
Advertisements for recruitment of Agniveer (SSR) and Agniveer (MR) will be published in IN website and employment news.
Simple Way Information Via Pictures – Agniveer

The candidates can apply ONLINE ONLY on the official website The procedure is as follows:-
- Before filling online application, keep matric certificate & 10+2 Mark sheet ready for reference.
- Register yourself on with your e-mail ID, if not registered already. The Applicants must ensure that while filling their Application Form, they are providing their valid and active e-mail IDs and mobile numbers, which should not be changed till selection procedure is over.
- ‘Log–in’ with the registered E-mail ID and Click on “Current Opportunities”.
- Click on “Apply” (√) button.
- Fill up the Form completely. Before clicking the ‘Submit’ button make sure all the details are correct, all required documents are scanned in original & uploaded.
- Online applications will be further scrutinised for eligibility and may be rejected at any stage, if found ineligible in any respect.
- Photographs. The Photograph To Be Uploaded Should Be Of Good Quality With Blue Background.
Required Documents
The original documents uploaded by the candidates during online filling of application viz Original Certificates, Mark Sheets, Domicile Certificate and NCC Certificate (if held) are to be brought by the candidates at all stages of recruitment (PFT and Enrollment Medical at INS Chilka). If the details provided in ‘online application’ are not matching with original documents at any stage, the candidature will be cancelled.
Aadhar card is mandatory for recruitment in the Indian Navy and will be checked at all stages of recruitment.
Allocation of centres for written examination and PFT will be held at the discretion of the Indian Navy.
Call Letter Cum Admit Card
Call up Letters cum Admit Card would be required to be downloaded from the official website No call up letter cum admit-Card will be sent by post. Only Electronic mode of communication will be used while contacting the candidates and no documents would be sent by post at any stage of recruitment.
Physical Test
Qualifying in Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is mandatory for selection. The standards for the Physical Fitness Test are as follows:-

* will be promulgated shortly
Merit List
Candidates who have passed PFT will be considered for preparation of merit list based on marks obtained in written examination. This merit list will be available on website All selected candidates will be called to INS Chilka for Recruitment Medicals. The selection of a candidate will stand cancelled and he will have no claim for enrolment in the Indian Navy in case the candidate fails to report on the date and time mentioned in call letter for Recruitment Medical Examination at INS Chilka
Medical Requirement and Enrollment
Recruitment Medical examination will be conducted by authorised military doctors as per medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to Agniveer (SSR) & Agniveer (MR). Candidates who are found medically unfit will be advised to appeal against its findings, if they so desire, at INHS Nivarini, Chilka and INHS Kalyani, Visakhapatnam within a maximum period of 21 days. No further review / appeal is permissible if declared unfit in the specialist review.
The candidate must be in good physical and mental health, free from any disease / disability likely to interfere with the efficient performance of duties both ashore and afloat under peace as well as war conditions.
Agniveers will meet the medical eligibility conditions laid down for enrolment in the Indian Navy as applicable to respective branch / trades.
Minimum Height standards – Requirements
Male | Female |
157 cms | 152 cms |
Visual Standards

The principle of averages will be utilized for calculating body Weight for in-between Heights.
Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e. from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reversed side of palm / back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body is not acceptable and candidate will be barred from recruitment.