In this Article we give information regarding Computer Instructor or teacher Question Bank – One Liner questions that can help you in your upcoming Computer Instructor Exam.
Data can be name, a number, the colors in a photograph, or the notes its called Data.
Data Representation
It refers to the form in which data is stored, processed, and transmitted.
Alphanumeric code – also known as character code.
0 | 000 | 00 | 00000000 | NUL | NULL CHAR |
1 | 001 | 01 | 00000001 | SOX | START OF HEADING |
2 | 002 | 02 | 00000010 | STX | START OF TEXT |
3 | 003 | 03 | 00000011 | ETX | END OF TEXT |
4 | 004 | 04 | 00000111 | EOT | END OF TRANSMISSION |
5 | 005 | 05 | 00000101 | ENQ | ENQUIRY |
6 | 006 | 06 | 00000110 | ACK | ACKNOWLDGEMENT |
7 | 007 | 07 | 00000111 | BEL | BELL |
8 | 008 | 08 | 00001000 | BS | BACK SPACE |
9 | 009 | 09 | 00001001 | HT | HORIZONATAL TAB |
10 | 010 | 0A | 00001010 | LF | LINE FEED |
11 | 011 | 0B | 00001011 | VT | VERTICAL TAB |
12 | 012 | 0C | 00001100 | FF | FORM FEED |
13 | 013 | 0D | 00001101 | CR | CARRAIGE RETURN |
14 | 014 | 0E | 00001110 | SO | SHIFT OUT / X ON |
15 | 015 | 0F | 00001111 | SI | SHIFT IN / X O |
Every Day 3 New Topics One Liner Questions We Write So Stay Connected – Computer Instructor / Teacher
Fundamentals of Computer – Top 10 Questions for Representation of Data (One Liner)
1. Binary equivalent of (0.6875) 10 is
Answer – 0.1101
2. BCD code for decimal 9 is
Answer – 1001
3. The Decimal number 617 is hexadecimal equivalent to
Answer – 269
4. The decimal equipment of the octal number 630.4 is
Answer – 408.5
5. The decimal value 0.25
Answer – is equivalent to the binary value 0.1
6. Binary addition of two 8-bit numbers 10101010 and 11001100 is
Answer – 01110110 with carry one (1)
7. The Decimal equivalent f the binary number 1001111 is –
Answer – 79
8. 9 can be represented in 8bit EBCDIC code as
Answer – 11111001
9. Binary equivalent of (63.25)10 is
Answer – 111111.11
10. BCD is
Answer – Binary Coded Decimal
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