Education English English Literature

Figures of Speech – Nose Versus Eyes Poem Class 11 English

Figures of Speech - Nose Versus Eyes Poem Class 11 English
Written by Chetan Darji

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Figures of Speech – Nose Versus Eyes Poem Class 11 English

We give all figure of speech Poem No. 5 – Nose Versus Eyes

1. Between Nose and Eyes a strange contest arose, –

AnswerInversion – The words in the line have been rearranged foe poetic effect.

2. The spectacles set them unhappily wrong;

Answer Alliteration : The sound of the letter ‘s‘ is repeated.

3. The point in dispute was as all the world knows,

Answer Consonance : The consonant sound of the letter ‘Z‘ has been repeated.

4. To which the said spectacles ought to belong.

Answer Alliteration : The sound of the letter ‘s’ is repeated.

5. So Tongue was the lawyer, and arguing the cause

Answer Personification : The tongue has been given animate quality of ‘arguing’

6. With great deal of skill, and a wig full of learning;

Answer Alliteration : the sound of the letter ‘w’ is repeated. Synecdoche : The wig represents the lawyer as it is the lawyer who is full of learning and not the wig.

7. While Chief Baron Ear sat to balance the laws,

Answer – Personification : Ear has been given animate quality of ‘Judge’

8. So famed for his talent in nicely discerning.

Answer – Personification : Ear has been given animate quality of ‘discerning’. Alliteration : The sound of the letter ‘f’ is repeated.

9. While Chief Baron Ear sat to the lawyer So famed for his talent in nicely discerning.

Answer- Inversion : The words in the line have been rearranged for poetic effect.

10. And your lordship, ‘he said, ‘will undoubtedly find,

Answer – Personification : The Ear has been personified through the use of ‘he’

11. That the nose has had spectacles always in wearl

Answer – Alliteration : The sound of the letter ‘h’ is repeated.

12. Which amounts to possession time out of mind

Answer – Alliteration : The sound of the letter ‘t’ is repeated.

13. Then holding the spectacles to the court,

Answer – Personification : The tongue has been given the animate quality of holding.

14. ‘Your lordship observes they are made with a straddle.

Answer – Personification : The ear has been given animate quality of observing.

15. “They are made with a straddles As wide as the ridge of the Nose’

Answer – Simile : There is a direct comparison between the straddle of the spectacles and the ridge of the nose through the use of the words ‘as wide as’

16. Designed to sit close to it, just like a saddle.

Answer – Alliteration : The sound of the letter ‘s’ is repeated. Simile : There is a direct comparison between the close fitting design of the spectacles and that of a saddle on a horse through the use of word like.

17. ‘Again would you lordship a moment suppose,

Answer – Personification : The ear has been giving animate quality of supposing. Inversion : The words in the line have been rearranged for poetic effect.

18. ‘(Tis a case that has happened, and may be again)

Answer – Alliteration : The sound of the letter ‘h’ is repeated.

19. Pray who would, or who could, wear spectacles then?

Answer – Alliteration : The sound of the letter ‘w’ is repeated. Repetition : The word has been repeated. Interrogation : The question has been asked. And no answer is expected.

20. ‘On the whole it appears, and my argument shows,

Answer – Tatulogy : The word appears and shows have the same meaning.

21. With a reasoning the court will never condemn,

Answer – Alliteration : The sound of the letter ‘w’ is repeated.

22. That the spectacles plainly were made for the nose,

Answer – Inversion : The words in the line have been rearranged for poetic effect.

23. Then shifting his side, as a lawyer knows how,

Answer – Personification : The tongue has been personified by using male pronoun ‘his’

24. He pleaded again in behalf of the Eyes:

Answer – Personification : The tongue has been given the animate quality of ‘pleading’

25. But what were his arguments few people know,

Answer – Personification : The tongue has been personified by using male pronoun ‘his’. Inversion : The words in the line have been rearranged for poetic effect. Alliteration : The sound of the letter ‘w’ is repeated.

Continuing. Stay Connected.

Thanks to Beloved Readers.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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