Education Government Competition

Eat Right School Registration Process – Food Safety – 2024

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The Complete and Official Information of Eat Right School Registration Process – Food Safety – 2024

What is Eat Right School

FSSAI has taken up a series of initiatives to transform India’s food safety and nutrition landscape by ensuring availability and consumption of safe food and healthy diets by its citizens. Eat Right School programme aims at creating awareness about food safety, nutrition & hygiene among school children, and through them among the community at large. Children are powerful change agents. Messages delivered to, and through children, have the potential to usher in behavioural change and a culture of safe and wholesome food. Since, food habits are developed early in life, adequate coverage of food and nutrition both in curriculum and extracurricular activities at the school level is essential.


In order to spread the awareness, it is imperative that schools participate actively in the Eat Right School initiative.

    • A user friendly and comprehensive online portal has been created for school registration, creation of Health & Wellness teams, and access to many activities under Eat Right program. Schools register on the online portal created for ease of adoption, implementation and gain access to credible information.
    • School teachers and/or parents can be nominated as Health and Wellness Ambassadors /Health and Wellness teams. They would be certified by FSSAI by undertaking an online certification program and drive various safe food and nutrition initiatives.
  3. EAT RIGHT ACTIVITIES : Curriculum integration –
    • FSSAI has created a rich repository of content created by domain experts that may be absorbed and adopted for school curriculum for students as well as for Teacher Training Programme.

How to Register for Eat Right School Registration Process 2024

We give simple Registration process for Eat Eight School Registration 2024.

Step1 : Registration

Link for Registration: All schools (Govt. / Govt. Aided / Private) may register by providing all basic details.

Step 2 : Create and Certify HWA (Health and Wellness Ambassadors

School teachers and/or parents can nominated as Health and Wellness Ambassadors /Health and Wellness teams. They would be certified by FSSAlby undertaking an online certification program and drive various safe food and nutrition initiatives.

HWA register themselves and will get individual login credentials for conducting activities.

Link for registration:

Step 3 : Health and Wellness Ambassadors help in conducting Eat Right Activities

Schools should create an activity calendar and conduct Eat Right activities in order to make the school children more aware about eating safe and healthy food. Eat Right activities for different levels can be selected from the school dashboard after registration. The evidence of these activities must be uploaded on the Eat Right School website.

Link for Eat Right Activities:

Step 4 : Monitor and Evaluate

Schools are to be Monitored and evaluated through Eat Right Matrix

Link for Eat Right Matrix:

Step 5 : Eat Right School Certification

After evaluation, certificate will be issued to the school.

Certification valid for 2 years will be awarded.

Thanks to Beloved Readers

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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