NVS PAP 2022-23
Recently Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Declared the Perspective Academic Planning for Session 2022-23. In this PAP 2022-23 Including the Academic activities and other co curricular Activities details.
Index of PAP 2022-23
- Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya at a Glance
- Highlights of Performance & Activities in Practice
- NISHTHA Status
- AKAM Activities
- Brand Equity
- Institutional Planning
- Annual Pedagogical Plan
- National Education Policy-2020: Main Features
- Bagless Days
- Competency Based Education, Pedagogy & Lesson Plan
- Effective use of Classrooms, Laboratories & Open Space for Learning
- School Assembly
- School Calendar
- Vidyalaya Time Table and Allotment of Periods
- Remedial Teaching
- Effective Class Room Management
- Coverage of Syllabus & Conduct of Various Examinations
- Academic Monitoring and Supervision by Principal & Vice Principal
- Panel Inspection
- Benchmark fixed for pass percentage and subject average for the year 2022-23
- Assessment Structure for the Academic Session 2022-23 for Classes VI to XII
- Assessment of speaking and listening skills
- Common Examination
- Improvement of Internal Examination Process
- Schedule of Tests/Examinations for 2022-23
- Minimizing of Self Centres for the conduct of Board Examination
- Admission in JNVs:
- Allotment of Streams
- Activities to be conducted during the year 2022-23
- Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) in JNVs
- Club Activities
- Herbal Garden
- Kitchen Garden
- Library Activities
- Equipping JNV Libraries with E-Granthalaya
- Vishva Sangam Activities
- Provision of Skill Courses in JNVs
- Developing Communication Skills
- Activities to enhance Creative & Critical Thinking skills
- Atal Tinkering Laboratories
- Computer Education Programme (C.E.P)
- Digital Infrastructure in JNVs
- Usage of Internet and creating Vidyalaya website
- Dedicated Internet lease Line
- Promotion and Development of Scientific Temperament
- Astronomy laboratory in JNVs
- National Children Science Congress
- Visit to Scientific Institutes and Institute of Higher Learning
- Migration
- Integrating Cultural Component with teaching of 3rd language
- Mini Migration
- Training
- Flagship Programme
- School Band Team
- Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat
- Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
- Programme For International Students Assessment (PISA)
- The Awakened Citizen Program In JNVs (ACP)
- Pace Setting Activities
- Yoga & Health and Physical Education
- Games
- Youth Parliament Competitions
- Art-in-Education Programme
- N.C.C. (National Cadet Corps)
- Activities of Scouts And Guides In “NVS State”
- Gender Sensitization
- Self Defence Training Programme for empowering Girls
- Inclusive Education
- News Items of JNV/Achievements
- School Magazine
- Preparation of School Brochure
- Preparation of Students for Competitive Examinations and Career Support
- Standard Examination and Contests
- Cryptic Cross Word
- Science Olympiad
- Mathematics Olympiad
- National Talent Search Examination
- Inspire MANAK
- Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA)
- Tests by North South Foundation
- Participation In Science India Portal Of Vijnana Bharti
- Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM or Science Talent Search for New India):
- Vigyan Jyoti Program
- Guided Learning Programme in Mathematics (Khan Academy)
- Organisation Of Annual Sports Meet In JNVs
- Organization of Annual Day in JNVs
- Cultural Exchange & Exposure for the students
- Arrangement of expert lectures/interactive sessions for students.
- Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY)
- Support To Students For Making Application To International Universities International Universities
- National Awards to Teachers – President Award
- Daily Routine – Summer bound and Winter bound JNVs
- Sunday & Holiday Routine
- ‘Bandobast’ Activities before re-opening of the Vidyalaya
- Safety and Security of students
- Care Takers in JNVs
- Counseling of JNV Students
- Annual Stock verification
- Mess Management
- Students’ Expenditure Norms
- House System IN JNVs
- Role of teachers and parents in JNVs
- JNV Alumn
- VAC & VMC Meeting
- Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
- Activities for Environment Education
- ADHAR Enrolment

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