Details of the CBSE Reading Challenge

1. Competencies to be assessed:
Participants in this competition will use a wide range of texts (graphic, texts with / without words) to evaluate the following skills of students:
- the ability to read with accuracy and process text in order to understand it;
- the ability to read with comprehension;
- the ability to construct meaning by retrieving information, relating text with their previous knowledge and integrating information;
- the ability to interpret information and draw inference and
- the ability to reflect and evaluate to assess the quality and credibility of text.
* The contest is going to be held initially for Reading in English
2. Eligibility:
Round One/First stage: All students of classes VIII-X ( 8 ,9,10) in CBSE affiliated schools.
Round Two/Second stage: Best six (6) students from each affiliated school registered after the first stage.
3. Nature of the Test:
The emphasis of the test would be on speed and precision. The reading paper should consist of 5-8 passages, followed by objective type questions, each passage. The participants would complete the paper as soon as possible. The students who answer the paper correctly will be chosen for the shortest period of time.
4. Procedure of Selection:

The test shall be conducted in two stages:
A. Round One/First stage:
(i) An affiliated school can register its students (classes VIII, IX and X) through the link on CBSE Reading Challenge available on the CBSE website i.e. for Round One/First stage of the CBSE Reading Challenge from 13th January to 22nd January 2020. To avoid last moment rush, schools are advised to register well before the last date. No fees shall be charged for this stage.
Click here to Registration (Only CBSE affiliated school)
(ii) On 23rd January 2020, a question paper with reading task would be made available to the registered schools with the scoring criteria.
(iii) The school shall organize the test for the registered students between 23rd January 2020 to 25th January 2020 and identify six students (2 each from classes VIII, IX and X) on the basis of their performance on the assigned reading task. In case more than six students perform at the same level, a suitable screening test may be conducted by the schools at their own end to identify the six best students.
(iv) Schools shall register the names of these six students by paying registration fee of Rs. 1200/- (Rs.200/- for each student) by logging in through the online link between 27th January 2020 to 2nd February 2020.
B. Round Two/Second stage:
(i) A computer based Reading Test would be conducted by the Board for the registered students from 4 th February 2020 to 7th February 2020. Only the schools that have completed the first stage shall be eligible for the second stage.
(ii) The detailed modalities of conduct of the test shall be communicated to the schools that register students for the second round of the challenge.
5. Fees:
There shall be no fees for participating in the first stage. However, Registration fee of Rs. 200/- per students (Rs. 1200/- per school) shall be charged for participation in the challenge at the Final stage. Fees would be accepted only through Debit card/ Credit Card/ NEFT at the time of registration of Round Two. Fee once paid shall not be refunded.
6. Recognition of the students:
All the participants of Round Two will be issued an online participation & appreciation certificate by the Board. Best 50 performers from each Region will be issued a merit certificate. All schools may encourage their students to participate in the CBSE Reading Challenge as it would provide learners an opportunity to practice and demonstrate their reading skills.