What is CBSE Budding Authors Programme ?
The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 refocuses on the ideal path from Learn-ToRead to Read-To Learn. The policy clearly states that languages will be taught in an enjoyable and interactive style, with plenty of vibrant and proactive conversations, early reading and subsequent writing.
On the occasion of the second anniversary of the NEP 2020, CBSE announces the CBSE Budding Authors Programme in partnership with Central Square Foundation, Pratham Books’ StoryWeaver and National Book Trust. The CBSE Budding Authors Programme is an extension of the CBSE Reading Mission which was launched on 13th September 2021 (Circular No. Acad – 82/2021).
The CBSE Budding Authors Programme aims to provide students a platform to engage in reading different types of stories and learning to write effectively. As students write and submit short stories under this programme, they would have an opportunity to express their creativity and get a chance to see them published.
The students can submit their stories in Hindi or English in the following three categories:
Category | Classes | Length of Submissions |
I | Classes 5-6 | 500- 600 words |
II | Classes 7-8 | 600- 900 words |
III | Classes 9-10 | 1000- 1500 words |
Steps of the CBSE Budding Authors Programme :
I. – First Phase: Conduct of the Programme at the School Level
Timeline: 24th August- 16th September 2022
- Schools shall organise the programme at their end from 24th August 2022 to 16thSeptember 2022. Schools to nominate 01 teacher to coordinate this activity.
- Sharing of information about this activity to all students.
- The teachers and students can register on the CBSE Reading Mission Platform https://cbseacademic.nic.in/ and access exemplar stories/ books in Hindi and English.
- Hindi/ English/ Language teachers to encourage students to read at least 7 stories (available in the school library or at CBSE Reading Mission Platform) to aid them to participate in this activity.
- Schools to give one week to students to read extensively with a view to prepare for the Budding Author’s Programme. Some inputs for writing are at Annexure I. These may be shared with students.
- Later, the schools to conduct the contest within school hours where students to create and write short stories, in either English or Hindi.
- Schools shall complete the evaluation of entries and shortlist two students/ participants per category for the next round of this programme.
- Guidelines for submission of entries by the students and the evaluation criteria to be shared as given at Annexure II.
- Schools to submit information regarding student participation at First Phase of the Programme at the link –https://forms.gle/aMbsimVP14TBcNFM6
II – Second Phase
(a) Registration and Onboarding on the Technology Platform
Timeline: 16th September – 30th September 2022
- The schools shall register the shortlisted students (2 winners of each category) for the second phase on the CBSE Budding Authors Programme at the link on the CBSE Academic website https://cbseacademic.nic.in/ . The nodal teacher can facilitate the registration of students (maximum 6 students per school).
- As the nominated students register for Round 2 on CBSE Budding Authors Programme at the link they would be provided unique login ids.
- The Second Phase of the Programme would commence as soon as the students register. They would be provided some interesting reading assignments on the technology platform.
- The registration would be open from 16th September to 30th September 2022 only.
(b) Contest on the Technology Platform
Timeline: 30h September – 02nd November 2022
- As the registered participants complete the reading assignments with writing tips, they may proceed to create short stories on the platform.
- CBSE will organize a webinar for registered students on the art of developing writing skills and the details of this would be informed to schools on their official email.
- The students may develop, edit and finally submit their entries till 2nd November 2022.
- All students who successfully submit their created short story at this phase will get an online certificate of participation at the schools e-mail ID.
- The terms and conditions for participation in the second phase are provided at Annexure III.
III – Evaluation and Publication
- The entries submitted by students at the Second Phase would be evaluated by a panel of experts.
- Shortlisted entries of each category will be provided editorial support to finalise their creation.
- Best entries selected at the national level will be published by CBSE as a collection of short stories for each category.
Webinar for School Heads and Teachers:
- To support schools better understand the programme, a webinar for school heads, teachers (classes 5-10) and librarians is being organized on the 23rd of August 2022 at 3:00 pm.
- The link to join the event is https://youtu.be/t_Nzj_IyPnE . For any query, you may send an email to [email protected] or call at 011-23211575.
All the Heads of Schools are requested to use this opportunity for promotion of Reading Mission in their schools and encourage maximum participation of students in the Budding Authors Programme for promotion reading and writing skills among students.
With best wishes.