Regarding implementation of the School Health and Wellness Programme Link
This is in continuation to Circular No. Acad-83/2022, regarding implementation of the School Health and Wellness Programme in CBSE affiliated schools in collaboration with UNESCO. It is further informed that a resource package which includes a 24-hour curriculum, training modules for teachers and facilitators guide has been prepared by NCERT in consultation with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Education, UNESCO, Academia and other domain experts.
Prior to participating in the online Orientation session scheduled on 10th August 2022 (03:00- 05:00 PM), kindly go through the resource materials available on following link:
All Principals/Heads of Institutions affiliated to CBSE are requested to register themselves for the scheduled online orientation session through the link given below
Registration link can be accessed by email id only.
In case of any query, you may contact Ms. Meenakshi Dang, Analyst at [email protected] email.