CBSE Circular Education

CBSE Circular on Veer Baal Diwas 2023 | Upload Report Veer Baal Diwas

CBSE Circular on Veer Baal Diwas 2023 Upload Report Veer Baal Diwas
Written by Chetan Darji

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The Complete and Official Information of CBSE Circular on Veer Baal Diwas 2023 | Upload Report for Veer Baal Diwas

CBSE Circular on Veer Baal Diwas 2023 | Upload Report for Veer Baal Diwas

As you are aware, the Government of India vide Ministry of Home Affairs notification no.17014/2/2022-IS-VII dated 09.01.2022 has decided to commemorate 26th December as “Veer Baal Diwas” every year to pay homage to the great valour and supreme sacrifice of Sahibzada Zorawar Singh and Sahibzada Fateh Singh, the younger sons of tenth Sikh-Guru Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji, on 26th December 1705, at the tender age of 9 and 6 years respectively, in their quest for justice.

To commemorate Veer Baal Diwas on 26th December 2023, all the schools are requested to do the following:

the following:

  1. Conduct appropriate interactive and participative programs during the run up to the day to inform and educate the students about the contextualised story of the exemplary courage of the Sahibzadas. Special assemblies dedicated to the theme may be held, short films on Veer Baal Diwas may be shown, stories recounting the valour of the Sahebzadas may be narrated. Students may be encouraged to express their thoughts on the theme across multifarious platforms such as debates, poems, essays, paintings etc.
  2. Digital exhibitions may also be set up at schools and programs may be organised. A digital exhibition curated by Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India may be printed in appropriate size and displayed at a prominent the school premises. The same isavailable at HJR4FLy33be2jhH?usp=sharing. It could also be put on the social media platforms and shared on the whatsapp groups of teachers and students.
  3. An interactive quiz is uploaded on MyGov/ My Bharat portals. The students may be encouraged to participate in the quiz. The link for same is 2023/
  4. Suggestive guidelines for commemoration of the event are enclosed for ready reference at Annexure 1.
  5. A brief write-up in English and Hindi regarding the Martyrdom of Sahibzada Zorawar Singh and Sahibzada Fateh Singh is enclosed at Annexure 2

The schools should upload a brief report of the ‘Veer Baal Diwas’ at the following link before 28.12.2023:

Veer Baal Diwas CBSE Brief Report link

You are requested to disseminate this information among all the stakeholders and encourage them to participate in the Veer Baal Diwas programs. For any further information, the schools may contact Dr. Manjit Singh, Deputy Secretary, CBSE at [email protected]

Thanks to Beloved Readers.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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