Central Board of Secondary Education has released the scheme for conduct of Board’s Examinations, 2022 vide circular No. Acad-51.2021 dated 05th July 2021 wherein it was informed that Board’s Examination – 2022 will be conducted in two terms i.e., Term – I and Term- II examinations. Term-I examinations have already been over. Term-II examinations are scheduled from 26.04.2022

CBSE is now releasing the date sheet for both the classes X & XII for Term-II Board’s Examinations, 2022. While preparing the date sheet, Board has taken care of the following issues;
- All the schools were closed due to pandemic which has led to learning losses, therefore, more gap has been given between the two examinations in almost all the subjects in both the classes.
- Wherever the gap is a little lesser, such examinations have been kept at a later date so that students can get sufficient time for the preparation of these examinations.
- Other competitive examinations including JEE Main have been taken care of while preparing the date sheet.
- These date sheets have been prepared by avoiding nearly 35000 subjects’ combinations to ensure that no two subjects’ examinations of a student fall on the same date.
- Despite of the fact that temperature would be on a little higher side, the time of Start of the examination will be at 10:30 AM because it will not be possible the examination earlier as examinations will be conducted in 26 more countries than that of India. Similarly, because of the Same Reason, examinations cannot be conducted in two shifts.
The CBSE wishes Good Luck to all the students appearing in Class X & Class XII Term-II Examinations, 2022.
By CBSE Official Announcement
Class X (10) Term-II CBSE Time Table
Date | Day | Time | Subject Code | Subject Name | Sample Papers |
27th April 2022 | Wednesday | 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM | 184 | English Language and Literature | Download |
28th April 2022 | Thursday | 10:30 AM to 11:30 PM | 417 418 | Artificial Intelligence Physical Activity Trainer | Download |
05th May 2022 | Thursday | 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM | 041 241 | Mathematics Standard Mathematics Basic | Download |
07th May 2022 | Saturday | 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM | 122 | Sanskrit | Download |
10th May 2022 | Tuesday | 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM | 086 | Science | Download |
12th May 2022 | Thursday | 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM | 009 010 | Marathi Gujarati | Download |
14th May 2022 | Saturday | 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM | 087 | Social Science | Download |
18th May 2022 | Wednesday | 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM | 002 085 | Hindi Course A Hindi Course B | Download |
23rd May 2022 | Monday | 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM | 165 | Computer Application | Download |
24th May 2022 | Tuesday | 10:30 AM to 11:30 PM | 402 | Information Technology | Download |
Important Instruction for the 10th Class CBSE Board Students/Parents
- Candidates will carry their own hand sanitizer in transparent bottle.
- Candidates will cover their nose, mouth and nose with mask.
- Candidates will follow social distancing norms.
- Parents will guide their ward(s) about precautions to be taken by them to avoid spread of Covid-19.
- Parents will ensure that their ward is not sick.
- Al instruction issued while appearing in Examination Centers will be strictly adhered to by the candidates.
- Candidates will follow all instructions given on Admit card.
- Duration for each examination will be given in the date-sheet and Admit card.
- 15 Minutes reading time will given to the students to read the question papers.
- for updates the students may visit www.cbse.gov.in
I hope you like the Article of the CBSE Board Exam Declared Date Sheet of 10th Board Class 2022.If you like then share to others.
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