Education Speech Essay

Best Speech on Indian Navy Day – 04 December 2023

Best Speech on Indian Navy Quiz - 04 December 2023
Written by Chetan Darji

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The Complete and Official Information of Best Speech on Indian Navy Day – 04 December 2023

Best Speech on Indian Navy Day – 04 December 2023

“Why can’t a country can be free if it has men guarding it with love for the nation in their hearts”. We sleep with lots of relief from the attack of enemies because of Indian forces. Our nation is an extraordinary country and amazing country from the ocean to the land, I worship this land. Good Morning to everyone present here ! We are celebrating ‘Indian Navy Day’ Today and this is Jahnvi Makvana from class 9th standing before you to speak on the special occasion of ‘Indian Navy Day’. First of all, we salute the warriors in white. Indian Navy Day is celebrated on the 4th December to male the people give the Navy respect and to salute them for their great work done in many of the difficult situations.

India Navy Day is celebrated in Commemoration of operation trident, the attack launched by the Indian Navy on Karachi harbour during 1971’s Indo-Pakistan war. It was for the first time that an Anti-Ship missile was used in the operation. The operation was conducted on the night of december 4-5. Indian Navy is used to play an important role in safeguarding the borders of the marine of the Indian country and develop the Internation relationship and solve all the matters and disputes between the two or more countries. They used to go down in the ocean or sea by which they keep eye on the countries enemy and protect their own country.

They have to be attentive every time the enemy attacks the people of the country. So ‘Indian Navy Day’ is to make every people aware of the Navy and It’s contribution to the country. Let us thank the Indian Navy to their commitment and assurance.

Being in a ship is being in a prison, with the possibility of being suffocated. They take risk, to make us safe. And yes, we are really safe because we have our Navy keeping us protected each and every moment.

Thanks to Beloved Readers.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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