Anchoring Script Education

Best Anchoring Script Steps in English – Independence Day Anchoring 2023

Best Anchoring Script Steps in English - Independence Day Anchoring 2023
Written by Chetan Darji

Are you searching for –  Best Anchoring Script Steps in English – Independence Day Anchoring 2023

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The Complete and Official Information of Best Anchoring Script Steps in English – Independence Day Anchoring 2023

Best Anchoring Script Steps in English – Independence Day Anchoring 2023

Steps are below

Ladies and Gentlemen, In a short while from now our chief guest would be among us.

Lets welcome our chief guest with thunderous applauses.

Let’s start this event by offering our prayers to “Maa Saraswati” and conduct our customary lamp lightning ceremony as tribute to maa.

Good Morning to one and all present here, our well acclaimed chief guest, all treasured invitees, respected teachers and offcourse our our startling students.

Thanks to all the dignitaries present on the dias.

I Welcome you all on the behalf of the entire Organization.

We are extremelly thrilled to have with us. Speak an Name

This extra ordinary personality doesn’t need any introduction at all.

Now I would like to invite our chief guest to grace us with his thoughts and experience

Please welcome our chief guest on the podium with a big round of applaud.Now, Be ready to enjoy series of colorful programs.

Now please welcome “The Sanskriti Dance Group (Your Group Name) on the Stage with a Big Clapping.”

Like the great philosopher once said – “The function of prayers is not to influence god. But rather to change the nature of one who prays.

After this breathe taking dance performance lets soothe our ears with mesmerizing voice of Kirti. Who will sing a song of Lata Ji.

Now, Its time to honor the talent of our school.

I feel honored to present vote of thanks on the behalf our school.

First of all, I would like to say thanks to entire school management for giving me such a wonderful opportunity to stand and speak here.

Ladies and Gentleman, Your presence made this day a memorable day. Thank your for listening, for inspiration, for encouragement , for being here and most importantly for giving your time and making your presence.

Now the person who has consumed himself to change the society and light the darkness in the life of your children, The principal of (Name of school / College), Mr. Name is requested to come on the stage and address the audience.

I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.

Now your are going to witness another heart throbbing performance by class 8th girls.

I would like to appreciate all the efforts made by these kids.

Kindly note that we have arranged snacks and after tea for guests, teachers and parents in the staff room, it is next to the auditorium. For students, the snack arrangement is done at the canteen.

Thanks to All beloved Readers.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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