Education English Maharashtra Board

Appreciation & Explanation of the Poem -2.5 Nose Versus Eyes Class 11 English

Appreciation & Explanation of the Poem -2.5 Nose Versus Eyes Class 11 English
Written by Chetan Darji

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Appreciation & Explanation of the Poem -2.5 Nose Versus Eyes Class 11 English

In this Article we give complete information regarding Poem -2.5 Nose Versus Eyes Class 11th English Maharashtra State Board Exam & Other Exam Preparation.

Points we Covered

  1. About the Poem, Poet & Title
  2. Theme / Summary gist of the Poem
  3. Poetic Style / Language / Poetic Devices
  4. Special Features
  5. Message / Moral in the Poem
  6. Conclusion / Opinion

Poem – 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes

We give Details in Brief Explanation and Appreciation of the Poem

About the Poem, Poet and Title :- Poem – 2.5 Nose Versus Eyes

The Poem Nose Versus Eyes is written by the poet William Cowper. The Poet is satirical work. Poet who beautifully displayed the unusual argument between the nose and the eyes. The nose and eyes are sensory organs that symbolize human behavior.

Theme / Summary / Gist of the Poem : Nose Versus Eyes Poem

The them is about typical human behavior in the society which is greedy. People who grab something which is not theirs and depride those who deserve it. We can also say that the theme dwells on the proceedings of a court where Judgment is passed without careful consideration.

Poetic Style / Language, Poetic devices :-

The poem has eight stanzas and each stanza four lines are there. The first and third, and the second and fourth lines rhyme in each. The feature of the poem is use of imagery. Different of the poem is use of imagery. Different figures of speeches are used in the poem like simile, personification and inversion. The rhyme scheme is abab.

Special features / Novelty focusing elements : –

The poem is a mockery o the legal system, so the poem is unique, in that, it is a gently criticism of the judicial system. Criticism of the judiciary is dangerous and could even land one into trouble. But the poet has been gentle mocking in his style, which does not offend but is completely truthful how the things are being presented.

Message / values / Morals of the Poem : – Nose Versus Eyes Poem

The poet wants to give us message that to make proper use of our sensory organs. On the whole, the poem is delightful read and is appealing to the reader due to its ease of understanding and humorous take the realities of the legal system.

Conclusion or Opinion about the Nose Versus Eyes Poem

Overall the poem is funny so I enjoyed the poem. It is fine example of humorous, irony poem. The poem reminds us about one of the hypocrisy and greed in people to grab what is not their.

Thanks to All beloved Readers.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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