Education Maharashtra Board

Appreciation and Explanation of the Poem The Sower Class 11 English

Appreciation and Explanation of the Poem The Sower Class 11 English Maharashtra State Board
Written by Chetan Darji

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Appreciation and Explanation of the Poem The Sower Class 11 English Maharashtra State Board

Poem – The Sower by Victor Marie Hugo

Sitting in a porchway cool,
Fades the ruddy sunlight fast,
Twilight hastens on to rule–
Working hours are well night past

Shadows shoot across the lands;
But one sower lingers still,
Old, in rags, he patient stands,–
Looking on, I feel a thrill.

Black and high his silhouette
Dominates the furrows deep!
Now to sow the task is set,
soon shall come a time to reap.

Marches he along the plain,
To and fro, and scatters wide
from his hands the precious grain;
Moody, I, to see him stride.

Darkness deepens. Gone the light.
Now his gestures to mine eyes
Are august; and strange–his height
seems to touch the starry skies.

We give Details in Brief Explanation and Appreciation of the Poem

Points we Covered

  1. About the Poem, Poet & Title
  2. Content
  3. Theme / Summary gist of the Poem
  4. Poetic Style / Language / Poetic Devices
  5. Special Features
  6. Message / Moral in the Poem
  7. Conclusion / Opinion

About the Poem, Poet and Title :- The Sower

The Poem The Sower is written by Torulata Dutt was the first Indian poetess to write verse in English and French. The Sower is a translation of the famous French author Victor Hugo’s work. The Poem is about a farmer who is sowing seeds. The title is apt.

Content : The Sower

The Farming and the life of a farmer is the major theme of the poem and the poet describes his feelings for the farmer along with the detailed description about the nature around the farmer. The poet goes directly into the description from the very first line itself.

Theme / Summary / Gist of the Poem : – The Sower

The Theme is about a hard working farmer, working in his fields, as the poet watches, even after sundown. He seeks neither help nor company but does what needs doing.

Poetic Style / Language, Poetic devices :-

The poem is interesting. The poet has used different figures of speech like antithesis, alliteration, inversion, hyperbole & inversion. The rhyme scheme is ab, ab, providing a pleasing rhythm to read aloud.

Special features / Novelty focusing elements : –

Poet also used imagery and symbolism to create the scene in the reader’s mind. The poem is unique, in that, it greatness is on two aspects

  1. Hard Work which the farmer performs
  2. The vivid description of the dusk, the setting sun and the figure against the sunset

Message / values / Morals of the Poem : – The Sower

The message the poem is one should keep working with a positive attitude. Poem tells us importance of farmer and his service to society. Work is worship.

Conclusion of The Sower Poem

This poem is very interesting. I enjoyed the poem. It is simple yet beautiful poem praising farmer who provides the bread

Bonus for Poem – The Sower

Difficult words;

Porchway = a covered and enclosed entrance to a building, whether taken from the interior, and forming a sort of main wall or projection without the separated roof.

Hasten = to move in a quick fashion.

Linger = to stay or remain in a place or situation.

Silhouette = an illustrated outline filled in with a solid colour usually black, intended to represent the shape of an object without revealing any other visual details.

Furrow = a trench cut in the soil, as when ploughed in order to plant a crop.

Stride = to walk with long steps.

Gesture = a motion of the body especially one made to emphasize speech.

August = noble, majestic, awe inspiring.

I Hope you like the Article of the Appreciation and Explanation of the Poem The Sower Class 11 English Maharashtra State Board. If you like then share to Others.

About the author

Chetan Darji

Hi, My name is Chetan Darji , and I am the owner and Founder of this website. I am 24 years old, Gujarat-based (India) blogger.
I started this blog on 20th January 2019.

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